Friday, October 12, 2007


I wanted to blog tonight, but wasn't feeling inspired. I could've written about having dinner with a friend and all of the cute things her kids did at the restaurant. Or about how the Lakers are gonna be the same middle-of-the-road team they were last year, based on their preseason games so far. Or about the latest issue of Playboy and the great interviews with Robert Redford and former UFC champ Chuck Liddell. Yeah, GMP, discuss the interviews in Playboy. That'll have the readers coming back in droves.

Since I wasn't feeling any of these topics, I decided to take the easy way out by re-posting a weeks-old myspace bulletin I'd answered in typical GMP fashion. (Note the third-person routine again. Damn, I gotta get laid). Just a quick cut-and-paste and voila! Instant blog! It's also a great segue into pimping the In Hot Water Myspace Page.

Man, there ain't nothing to this blog-writing business.

10 Random Questions

What would you do if ...

1. You won the lottery:
"I'm rich, biatch!" (honk, honk)

2. You caught your BF/GF cheating on you with your best friend:
Ask myself, "What would O.J. do?"

3. You saw someone hitchiking on the highway:
"I'm rich, biatch!" (honk, honk)

4. You caught a friend stealing from you:
Depends on whether it's a cash game or tournament, our chip stacks, and what my table image is. I'd either fold and wait for the next hand, smooth call and see what to do depending on the texture of the flop, or re-raise to isolate and/or win the pot right there (obviously, a shout-out to my poker-playing buddies. Ship it!)

5. You witnessed a murder:
Couldn't think of a smart-ass answer for this one. I'd make another O.J. joke, but that's just too predictable. By the way, he's guilty.

6. A random stranger offered you ice cream:
If she's hot, I'd lick it off her. If not, I'd have a few drinks, then lick it off her.

7. MySpace is closed:
I have a life again!

8. You learned that there won’t be Internet anymore:
I'd write letters instead of emails, look things up in encyclopedias and almanacs instead of google, and renew my subscription to Hustler instead of, well, you know.

9. You learned your best friend has a crush on you:
Must mean we're in prison together.

10. You found a wallet without an ID and fully loaded with $$$$:
"I'm rich, bitch!" (honk, honk)

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