Friday, October 12, 2007

drive-by sex stealers

Hello boys and girls (and girls). It's Friday night and where is Sindy? Home. Alone. WTF? No wait. WTF! Truth be told I'm home by choice. I'm emotionally exhausted and slightly overwhelmed. I mean, I've had erect penises thrown at me left and right for the past week - one nearly caught me in the eye! Momma always said wear protection or get an eye poked out. When are these guys going to learn to serve their erections on a silver platter next to chocolate covered strawberries, chapaign, and $2,000 in large bills? I don't know. Just wondering. ;)

The grass is always greener my friends. When you want to be left alone romantically you never get a moment of peace, but the second you feel frisky - crickets. Well where the fuck are those crickets now? Someone needs to train those little bastards to show up on cue!

I have a few male friends who are obsessing daily about not having girlfriends to the point I just want to blow my brains out. Really. I do. Because every time they say, "Why didn't it work out?" They answer their own question with, "Well she never acted interested in having a relationship with me anyway." Well damn, there you go genius, mystery solved! But no. That answer doesn't sit well with their egos so their going to irraitate me some more with, "But she kissed me when we went out on dates. So she must like me, right?" You know what buddy, in all honesty, I don't fucking know. I told you to dump her a long time ago but hey, what do I know about girls who treat guys like back burners? I'm just a girl. I'm stupid. Fuck. Whatever. Dude. She's gone. She's not into you. Deal with it. But oh no. Why move on when you can irritate the crap out of your friends for another 3 months obsessing, obsessing, obsessing ...

I think certain male friends knocked the sex right out of me. Wham! Drive-by! Sex stealers. I kid you not. Certain male friends irritate me with long irrational emails of "WHY AM I ALONE???" and when I try to help them with feminine advice into the female mind, they tell me I'm wrong. Wha ...? How am I wrong? Instead they defend the girl who doesn't seem to like them very much. What-the-fuck-ever. Look buddy, here's my advice for guys dealing with the same bullshit, if she doesn't call you, fuck you, or slip you some tongue within, oh, 3 dates, she's just not into you. The end. That doesn't make you a loser. Acting like a pussy makes you a loser. Don't be a pussy. No one likes a pussy except for big hairy gay bears who own dungeons - and well now ME. Dig it? Grow your sacks back! Listen to Tom Leykis if you have to, do anything but stop killing my sex drive. I've never even dated you dudes and you're killing my sex drive. STOP. Damn. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. Shit man. Just sayin' (nothing makes a woman hot like a whiney dude) .... Whatever. Oh, and FYI, girls know after five minutes being with you if she's going to fuck you so, after 3 dates and you get nothing, not even tongue, time to call it quits.

Win big money at your poker game GMP, I might need "professional" help getting my F back. Christ no wonder you don't hang out with these guys.

Sometimes men are their own worst enemy. reminds me of a song.

You see it all around you
Good lovin' gone bad
And usually it's too late when you, realize what you had
And my mind goes back to a girl I left some years ago,
Who told me,

Just Hold On Loosely, but don't let go
If you cling to tightly, you're gonna lose control
Your baby needs someone to believe in
And a whole lot of space to breathe in

It's so damn easy, when your feelings are such
To overprotect her, to love her too much
And my mind goes back to a girl I left some years ago
Who told me,
Just Hold On Loosely,
but don't let go
If you cling too tight babe, you're gonna loose control
Your baby needs someone to believe in
And a whole lot of space to breathe in
Don't let her slip away
Sentimental fool
Don't let your heart get in her way
yeah, yeah, yeah,

You see it all around youGood lovin' gone bad
And usually it's too late when you, realize what you had
And my mind goes back to a girl I left some years ago,
Who told me,
Just Hold On Loosely,
but don't let go
If you cling to tightly, you're gonna lose control
Your baby needs someone to believe inAnd a whole lot of space to breathe in
So Hold On Loosely,
but don't let go
If you cling too tight babe, you're gonna lose it
You're gonna -- lose control
yeah, yeah, yeah
Just Hold On Loosely but don't let go
If you cling too tight babe, you're gonna loose control
Hold on Loosely, but don't let go
If you cling too tight babe, you're gonna loose control
yeah, yeah, yeah


1 comment:

Grand Master Pants said...

Memo to the guys Sindy is talking about: Man the Fuck Up, will ya?! I get home after a night of beers and poker with the boyz and I gotta read about how this hot piece of ass is losing her sex drive?! Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Here's some advice, losers. Go get neutered. You obviously lost your balls a long time ago, so why not finish the job you started by acting like whiny little eunuchs?

Next, email Sindy or myself "Why didn't it work out?" When we tell you that you don't have the testicular fortitude to satisfy any woman, you'll know it's the truth. Both figuratively and literally.

Sindy, I'm here for you during your time of need. You know the GMP takes care of business. Gimme a minute and we'll find that F for you, girl. Two minutes if I think about baseball. ;)